Suspended US students receive study offer from Yemen’s Houthis

The doors of Yemen’s Sanaa University are open to those who support Palestine, the institution has announced.

Sanaa University, reportedly run by the Houthi militant group, has offered students suspended from US universities for staging pro-Palestinian protests the chance to study in Yemen’s capital city. More than 2,000 people have been arrested during demonstrations which have been held at dozens of US college campuses in recent weeks, resulting in many of them being suspended. “We are serious about welcoming students that have been suspended from US universities for backing Palestinians,” an official at Yemen’s Sanaa University was quoted as telling Reuters. “We are fighting this battle with Palestine in every way we can,” he reportedly claimed. Sanaa University had issued a statement praising the “humanitarian” position of the American students, saying they could continue their studies in Yemen. Students have set up protest camps at more than 40 colleges across the US since mid-April, demanding that both Washington and their universities cut ties with Israel and put an end to the violence in Gaza. Many of the schools, including Columbia University in New York City, have called in police to quell the demonstrations.

“The board of the university condemns what academics and students of US and European universities are being subjected to, suppression of freedom of expression,” Sanna University stated, providing an email address for students looking to take them up on their offer. The Houthis, who claim to be the government of Yemen, have been attacking ships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden since November in support of Gaza. They started targeting Israeli-linked vessels in response to West Jerusalem’s offensive against the Palestinian enclave. The group has also carried out numerous attacks on ships linked to owners or operators in the UK or US following airstrikes by those countries on Houthi positions. The militants have vowed to continue their campaign until the Jewish State stops its assault on Gaza. The attacks have seriously disrupted global shipping through the Suez Canal, a vital route between Asia and Europe.