Proklear Launches Highly Dilutable Waterless Car Wash Product in USA, UK, and Australia

Proklear’s hyper dilutable waterless car wash product makes waterless washing more affordable. A single bottle can be diluted 200 times, lasting for a year and encouraging waterless washing practices to save water and protect the environment.

Chicago, Illinois, June 21, 2024 – Proklear, a leading provider of eco-friendly cleaning solutions, is excited to announce the launch of its innovative waterless products on Amazon, Walmart, and eBay in the USA, UK, and Australia. These groundbreaking products, designed for superior cleaning without the need for water, offer a sustainable alternative to traditional cleaning methods.

Proklear’s waterless cleaning products are now available on major online platforms in the United States, including Amazon, Walmart, and eBay. This expansion provides American consumers with convenient and sustainable cleaning options, aligning with the growing trend towards environmentally friendly products.

British customers can now access Proklear’s advanced waterless solutions through Amazon UK, Walmart, and eBay. The launch in the UK market highlights Proklear’s commitment to providing high-quality, environmentally responsible cleaning options.

Proklear’s waterless products have also made their debut on Amazon, Walmart, and eBay in Australia. This move caters to the increasing demand for sustainable and efficient cleaning solutions among Australian consumers.

Proklear’s waterless product line includes a range of options for various cleaning needs, all designed to reduce water usage and minimize environmental impact without compromising cleaning effectiveness. The launch across these major e-commerce platforms ensures widespread availability, making it easier for consumers in the USA, UK, and Australia to adopt eco-friendly cleaning practices.

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