Joe McHugh, a seasoned corporate strategy and investment executive with a history of entrepreneurship dating back to the age of 15, has dedicated his life to finding profitable solutions for social and environmental issues.
McHugh’s three-pronged plan aims to restore liberty and justice for all by reinstating the Bill of Rights and aligning human activities with the natural world.
The Planet-Friendly Tax Plan offers every American the option to direct deposit up to $30,000 of their income into a planet-friendly personal investment account, replacing income and FICA taxes with a 15% tax retained at the bank level.
The Planet-Friendly Money Plan restores Treasury management of the currency, giving Americans the opportunity to crowdfund planet-friendly upgrades for government spending projects, which can be invested in through their personal investment accounts.
The Love and Respect Law Plan appoints three Attorney’s Generals to collaborate with the public and compete against each other in their efforts to restore the Bill of Rights, hold corporations accountable for pollution, and eliminate entrapment by repealing, replacing, and rewriting any law, policy, procedure, or agreement that hinders the liberty or justice of any individual.
McHugh is actively seeking volunteers to spread the message of love, liberty, and the environment.
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McHugh for President
Source :McHugh for President