Bestselling Author and Philanthropist Lorie Deoleo Performs Salsa in Paris Crosswalk

Los Angeles, California – June 25, 2024 – Best-selling author Lorie Deoleo made a memorable impact during a recent visit to Paris. Known for her successful books and philanthropic endeavors, Deoleo was in the City of Lights to celebrate the release of her latest audiobook collection. As a multi-talented individual, she also seized the opportunity to showcase her dancing skills.

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Deoleo, a skilled salsa dancer, captivated onlookers with her performance at the famous Charles de Gaulle crossroads. Her impressive moves brought traffic to a standstill, drawing curious and admiring glances from passersby. With years of experience in the casino industry, Deoleo has released an audiobook titled “The Art of Dealing: Becoming a Master Casino Dealer,” sharing her expertise with aspiring casino professionals. The audiobook is available on Audible.

You can also find the ebook at:   for more details.

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Source :Deoleo Public Relations Firm